The lifeblood of any sporting organisation is our volunteers, and we are extremely proud of them and the work they each do to keep our association thriving. Coaches, Umpires and Committee are all vital to our ongoing success.

Our Committee
These marvellous people are obviously the ones out there driving the competition and association forward. There is no doubt that their passion and enthusiasm is what we need, but they can't do it alone. Behind our 7 executive roles, sits about 20 other people each doing their own little job.
You can nominate for a role on our committee by clicking here.

Our Volunteers
You do not need to play, to be a volunteer. We have a lot of parents working within the association doing 1 little job that helps our weekends keep moving. From mowing the lawn, creating draws, canteen, cleaning and much more. We have a little, or big, job for everyone to get their teeth into.
Please contact our Vice-President to see what jobs we might have, what little thing you could do or even a bigger role to step into.

Our Competitions
Our competition structure is being finalized and will be released in early March.

Our Umpires & Coaches
There is no doubt that these roles can be challenging, but they can also be some of the most rewarding in the association.
We are always on the lookout for new umpires and are keen to help develop more seniors and juniors alike in the art of umpiring. Payment and possibly even a warm drink in the middle of winter can be very rewarding also.
With over 40 teams across the various age groups, we always need coaches too. Again, we're keen to hear from anyone who might be interested and we can setup some coaching and mentoring for 2024.